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Human Rights Alert (NGO)

Joseph Zernik, PhD

PO Box 33407, Tel Aviv, Israel
August 13, 2014
The Honorable Mihael A !atne"
#onsul $eneral
%& #onsulate $eneral, 'erusale(, 'erusale(
)" e(ail* !atne"MA@state.go+
RE: Filing with US State Department (UPR Offie) the Human Rights Alert
(NGO) !raft su"missi#n f#r the $%&' UPR #f the Unite! States(
!esponse ,ithin 14 -a"s is kin-l" re.ueste-.
/ear #onsul $eneral !atne"*
0ursuant to the %nite- 1ations %0! protool, please 2in- attahe- the -ra2t Hu(an
!ights Alert 31$45 sub(ission 2or the upo(ing 2014 %0! o2 the %nite- &tates,
title-, 67arge-sale 2rau- in 8T s"ste(s o2 the %& ourts - unannoune- regi(e
8n ontrast ,ith the 2010 "le, 8 oul- not 2in- this ti(e an e(ail a--ress 2or the
%0! 422ie at &tate /epart(ent. There2ore, 8 2ile this -ra2t sub(ission ,ith "ou,
asking that "ou please e:pe-ientl" 2or,ar- it to the %0! 422ie at &tate /epart(ent.
!esponse ,ithin 14 -a"s is kin-l" re.ueste-, so that 8 (a" inorporate orretions
an- o((ents into the 2inal sub(ission to the Hu(an !ights #ounil, ,here -ea-line
is &epte(ber 1, 2014.
'oseph ;ernik, 0h/
Hu(an !ights Alert 31$45
The Honorable <irk $. &(ith
%& #onsulate $eneral, 'erusale(, 'erusale(
)" e(ail* &(ith<$@state.go+
Human i!h" Aler" #$%O&' DA(T )P *u+mission , )ni"e- *"a"es #.0/4&
Large-scale fraud in IT systems of the US courts - unannounced regime change?
Digitally signed
by Joseph
Zernik, PhD

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